
Join me for an event that will change your daily life!

I’ll teach a yoga class and then Tricia Sletten will share her knowledge about the ancient science of Ayurveda.

Date: Thu   7/29/2010

Time:  7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

sign up at www.moebodyworks.com

A fun girls night out filled with yoga and edutainment! Yoga is for all levels, we’ll have a few taste treats, and learn something new to keep our bodies in optimal health! Bring your sister, your girlfriends, bring all the women in your life! Cost is 35.00 July 29th 7-9:30pm Ayurveda Ayurveda, a sister science to Yoga, is the oldest continuously practiced health care system in the world. This science teaches that each of us has a fundamental constitution. When our constitution is in balance, we experience optimal health in body and mind; when out of balance, we experience a range of physical symptoms and mental conditions that can eventually manifest as dis-ease and/or discomfort. The restoration of a natural state of balance focuses on diet, daily routines, the use of herbs, and natural cleansing protocols. During this discussion, you will become more familiar with Ayurveda and how it applies to living in a balanced state of health and happiness. Topics coming up: Create a Non-Toxi

Mamas: take care of your feet, too!

Pregnant Women Put Fashion Before Foot Health.

Bart was at Walk a Mile in Her Shoes this morning. While it is hard to give up my wonderful husband on a Sunday morning, I am proud and supportive of the work he does.  Today, 500 people were at the Mall of America working to end violence against women.  He was one of them.

Last week Judith Lasater came to Minneapolis and I was one of the 57 yogis who spent afternoons getting cozy with her. Judith taught us how to get comfortable and to share that understanding with our students. For me, this has meant much cozier bedtimes for my 3-year-old (and, much more restful sleeping as well…)

If you have ever felt stress, check out Judith’s approach to yoga. It will help you relax and get comfortable. Yumm

Here’s her site: http://www.judithlasater.com/about.html

I spent a little time trying to figure out the best sunscreen for my fair-skinned toddler. Basically, you need to slather it on – like if your family was at the beach all day an entire 8 oz bottle would be empty if we used it as it is tested. And reapply liberally at least every 2 hours.  We bought Bennett 3 UV protection shirts for this summer.

Realistic View:  find a relatively all natural sunscreen. Protect from UVA and UVB rays. No Parabans.  We bought Caribbean Solutions – natural/biodegradable lotation. It is a botanical /mineral blend. Of course I just read that I’m supposed to reapply every 45 MINUTES! Check this out,\I’ve used most of these brands throughout the years:  http://www.thedailygreen.com/environmental-news/latest/natural-sunscreens-460608  


This is a resource to research sunscreen and other cosmetics: http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/special/sunscreens2008/findyoursunscreen.php


Extreme view: that using sunscreen prevents a burn but does not necessarily prevent skin cancer — http://naturalmedicine.suite101.com/article.cfm/hidden_dangers_in_sunscreens Goofy, but thought provoking. One Mother Jones articles stated that the incidence of skin cancer correlates directly to the increased sales of sunscreen.

Watch out for Nanoparticles – the FDA really knows NOTHING about these tiny-tiny bits… Read this:


yoga voters

I appreciate the Washington PostCheck Up entry on assuming all Yogis vote the same… I (shame) was unyogic enough to apply this same generalization during all the election excitement.


Posted at 7:00 AM ET, 04/20/2009

Do All Yogis Vote Alike?

A Midnight Yoga class at D.C.’s Flow Fitness. (Mark Finkenstaedt For The Washington Post)

As devoted as I am to my yoga practice, I try not to talk (or write) about it all the time, mostly because I’m not sure anyone’s all that interested in hearing about my yogic journey – and because I don’t want to be one of those people who insists that everyone else try yoga. If you’re meant to discover it, I believe you will. (And I sincerely hope you do.)

But as I sat on my mat in meditation today, it occurred to me that part of what I value most about yoga is my fellow yogis. They’re a varied bunch, men and women who have consistently opened my eyes to new ways of thinking and exposed me to views I might never have considered.

So I was taken aback by this itemin a blog on the Yoga Journal Web site:

Hip-hop artist, clothing designer, and yoga practitioner Russell Simmons says President Obama is coming from a yogic mind set, especially when it comes to his policies. Instead of being fearful, he listens and reaches out to others, Simmons said. “He’s an inspiration to the whole yoga community,” Simmons told the politico.comPolitico podcast, which you can listen to at Politico.com. “I’m sure they voted 90 percent for him.”

Simmons’s comment occurred near the end of a segment in which the interviewer peppered Simmons with a series of quick questions. Simmons noted that in many respects Obama seems a very yogic president. Then, off-handedly, he made his comment about yogis voting.

Simmons seems like a reasonable, well-meaning man. But if you take him to mean that more than 90 percent of yoga practitioners probably voted for Obama, well, I have issues with that.

It’s dangerous — and, I might add, not very yogic — to assume that the yoga community is so homogeneous that 9 out of 10 of its members voted for the same presidential candidate. Simmons’s comment, casual as it may have been, suggests a certain narrow-mindedness and lack of equanimity that I hope is not really characteristic of him — or of the broader yoga community.

What’s your view? Is yoga primarily the province of one bloc of voters?

Posted by Jennifer Huget | Permalink | Comments (6)
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Kudos to all the sisters out there who only grew up with a brother!! I wonder if having a sister, as may be the case for my little sister, forces us to learn useful coping skills early in life.


eco easter eggs!

Year’s ago I had a beet juice explosion in my kitchen and have been DYING to use the root’s juice to color something ever since.  I never thought of  easter eggs ! Check out this great link to making your own egg dyes this easter.



Hockey Moms vs. Soccer Moms

Check out Slate’s idea of defining Hockey Mom. It seems that it resonates with people where I live in Minnesota — but what about the warm climates. Does Sarah Palin’s label of Hockey Mom mean anything to a surfer mom??
